Before becoming a part of the Deqoded team, many of us nurtured ambitions about finding the one and only method that could convert photographs into code, code into websites, and websites into thriving businesses. We each arrived to the conclusion, while walking our own ways, that other people had to be thinking along similar lines and that, when working together, we had a decent chance of completing such a challenging assignment. Deqoded was born as a love child of several enthusiasts, and remains such after many years of fruitful labor. You are invited to benefit from the strength of the thought tank we have painstakingly built up through hundreds of projects!
Since the very first days, our project's fundamental objective has been the same: to give you the keys to a technical marvel, and provide you with the building materials and necessary equipment to achieve what you thought impossible. We were even more motivated to adopt this philosophy after our early efforts began to pay off - now, everything is about expanding and improving. We have come to the conclusion that continuous development may not have an end point, and the idea appeared frightening to many. Being thrown into the deep end is a never-ending form of inspiration, and we believe that fulfilling your potential with Deqoded will do the same for you.
First and foremost, we value reliability and provable results. We strongly stand on the foundation of verifiable and trustworthy outcomes rather than expecting fortuitous serendipity and fleeting insights to offer you the desired result. Every time we start a new project, we begin by developing your concepts into a plan that can provide observable results. Only then do our prior knowledge and ongoing quest for custom solutions come into play, allowing us to combine the past and present to provide you the very best future.
In addition to developing effective and useful solutions, we consider it our responsibility to contribute, wherever feasible, to the industry's ever-growing body of knowledge and technological advancement. With the help of some of the best minds in the field, we study and discuss the interesting algorithms and code we develop during the process, enabling even further advancement.
If we don't spread the joy we get from successes and accomplishments, it has no meaning for ourselves. Deqoded participates in a number of charitable projects, and we take our commitment to CSR seriously. Both internally and internationally, we put more effort towards dispersing than accumulating. Although to others it may seem insignificant, we refuse to be deterred by the disheartening belief that you just cannot assist everyone. True as it is, we always search for ways to assist.
We look down upon reducing brilliance to the bottom of the bag in the name of nebulous corporate principles. By fully ignoring the unique factors that would be the target of discrimination in other firms, we enable our people to reach their full potential. If someone is accepted into Deqoded, it implies they have, satisfied a stringent set of criteria — not a quota or an opinion.
Our task force is structured in a way that enables any pertinent ideas to receive fast attention. After that, it is evaluated by a number of think tanks to determine its quality. Instead of their team leader or department head, the employee who originated the worthwhile idea, receives all the resources needed and has responsibility for the outcome.
There is no room for compromising on respect and comprehension. Anyone, from wherever, who expresses a desire to join Deqoded will have the opportunity to do so if they are qualified professionally. A new member of the Deqoded team begins to get proper onboarding at that point, one that doesn't make them feel constrained or burdened by confusing responsibilities, intrusive micromanagement, or overbearing corporate principles that encourage faceless homogeneity. Our firm belief is that a professional should be free to work on any project they want, but we are always delighted to offer friendly encouragement. Deqoded is proud to be a tolerant environment, and we make an effort to spread this principle to our partners and visitors.
In certain cases, a passing bystander's perspective is more valuable than a hyperbolic diatribe from a self-styled know-it-all. This concerns our interactions with users like you. Please contact us immediately if you see anything that might be improved about our website. We value your input greatly and will treat it seriously. If you frequently use our site and you see a nice feature at another service that we don't have, for example, let us know and there's a high chance you'll see it added within a few weeks. We only arrived at this point by carefully examining the public's reaction.
The vast majority of the Deqoded team have been enjoying their stint here for several years already. In the infrequent event when an employee quits, we make sure this happens with no hard feelings. The main objective, after all, is to encourage everyone to express their opinions, and problems must be resolved. As a result, nobody harbors resentment while they build their career or decide to leave Deqoded.